New CBD Trend: CBDV – Are companies responding?


Recently, I had written an article on CBDV and our future legal battles over it. In that article, I noted that there are three main companies with new applications seeking CBDV for their product lines. One of those companies, Celera, is working with the FDA on a clinical trial for a CBDV-based topical cream. Here’s what I had to say is What is CBDV.

The CBDV-derived topical cream is a pharmaceuticals-grade product. It’s in its testing stage now, and Celera expects to have the product on the market within three years. The company also plans to move into other botanical forms of medication, such as gels and lotions. They see massive growth opportunities in this area. If successful, the future of pharmaceuticals in this area looks particularly bright.

The other company with a new CBDV application is AbbVie. Their applications include an oral spray and an ointment. Again, they expect the product to enter the market within three years. While AbbVie is taking pre-clinical and clinical studies very seriously, my take is that they don’t focus enough on the “CAM” area.

My next article will go into the companies I’ve personally spoken with that have some new CBDV product applications in development. What I’ll suggest is that if you’re considering CBDV as an alternative form of medication, whether it be to help manage your seizures or assist with other symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, that you first consult with your doctor. He or she can discuss the potential benefits of using CBDV along with any side effects or interactions with any other medications you may be taking. Of course, it’s always a good idea to consult a pharmacist before starting any new prescription drug program.

While there is no new prescription drug on the market anytime soon, the latest news I’ve heard is that there are several in pre-clinical development right now. And there may be more on the way – as pharmaceuticals continue to look for new indications for their products! The bottom line is that for the time being, you can look forward to seeing an increased number of pharmaceuticals offering CBDV – and possibly more products in the not-too-distant future. It’s just a matter of keeping your eye on the prize.

Will this new trend, like many new trends we see in today’s market, take hold in the next few months and years? I’m not predicting a massive uptake of CBDV – but I do believe that we are seeing a rethinking of how pharmaceuticals do business. If you’re looking for CBDV alternative medication – you’ll want to keep your eye on the going trends.

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