8 of the Best Gadgets and Devices for Dinner Parties

When throwing a dinner party, we all have a desire to throw the best party possible and to thereby ensure that we leave the right lasting impression on our guests. This means we want to cook the best food, we want to impress with our décor and table set-up and we want to do anything else we can to make the evening more memorable and more successful.
One example of something we can do to make our evenings more of a hit, is to use the right tech and devices that can provide more entertainment or switch up the ambiance in interesting ways. The right tech can even help you to increase your options for what to serve. Keep reading then, and we’ll look at some of the best gadgets to add to your evenings…
Motorized Salt and Pepper Grinders
Grinding your own salt and pepper is so yesterday. These days you can get many automatic grinders that will provide extra flavor with no need for you to put in the effort yourself. In all truth, these solve a problem that never really existed – but they still bring a smile to people’s faces. And you can get some quite creative ones such as the ‘gravity grinder’ that starts automatically grinding as soon as you tip the device to begin adding the seasoning.
If your idea of impressing your party guests is to show off just how healthy the food their eating is, then consider getting a steamer. These allow you to prepare vegetables much more easily – without even needing oil – and they look cool too (especially the multi-tiered ones).
Cupcake Makers
And now for desert. Just as you can make waffles in a heating device, so too can you get gadgets designed for preparing cupcakes. You just make the mixture then fill it into the holes and leave it to prepare your cupcakes in 5-8 minutes. Every cupcake will be perfectly formed, you’ll impress guests and you’ll get to eat more delicious deserts. What’s not to like?
Smart Shopper
Speaking of unnecessary gadgets that impress nevertheless, the electronic ‘SmartShopper SS-301’ is a device that attaches in your kitchen and allows you to easily create shopping lists on receipt-like strips of paper. You’ll never forget the milk again…
Virtual Aquarium
While you’re out in the kitchen steaming vegetables and updating your SmartShopper, you’ll want your guests to talk about the exciting items on display on your home. What better talking point then, that a virtual aquarium? These are hypnotic to watch, they always stimulate conversation and they’re much easier to maintain than actual aquariums or fish tanks!
For those who like to frequent the wine store just before a dinner party, ‘Tempour’ is a gadget that can ensure your alcohol goes down even better with your guests. This device allows you to chill your wines and other beverages more quickly, using a thin metal rod that inserts itself inside the bottle. This is not only a head turner, but it’s also a smart gadget that can save you in a pickle if you forget to put the wine in the fridge soon enough.
Menu Wrap Around Thermometer
And just to make sure you don’t bring that wine out the fridge a moment too soon, the wrap around thermometer is a useful gadget for measuring the temperature of wine bottles easily and conveniently.
Games Consoles
For your evening’s entertainment, why not play a game on a games console? Board games are old favorites, but in this day and age games consoles offer more options and often – quite frankly – more fun. With an Xbox One and Kinect or an old Wii console, you can work off the meal you just ate playing motion sensor games (like tennis), or if you don’t want to jump around quite so much, how about a game of SingStar to see who has the best voice?